4 Great Yoga Poses For Beginners To Try

December 1, 2022

You don’t need to be superhuman to start practicing Yoga. With motivation and persistence, you can master it in no time. Yoga is perfect for people looking to improve their strength, flexibility, and balance while simultaneously reducing stress. It’s also a great way of helping you relax after a long tiring day. If you like to keep yourself active and try new things, then there’s no better way than to start your journey with Yoga. In this blog post, we’ll give you tips on getting started with this enjoyable exercise routine that has so many benefits in the long run. So read on if you want to learn more, including our favorite yoga poses for beginners. 


What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that is rooted in philosophy and spiritualism. It means “union” in Sanskrit and is the union of the body, mind, and soul. It’s an exercise routine mainly used in the East for spiritual growth and physical health. Yoga is so versatile that even people in wheelchairs or with some physical disability can do it.

There are so many types of Yoga, but we’ll be talking about the most common one, known as Hatha Yoga, which is suitable for all levels, beginners included. Hatha yoga is a physical and mental discipline involving asanas (postures/Yoga poses), breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation. Practicing Yoga is one of the best ways to improve your mental health, reduce stress and anxiety and be more mindful in your daily life. It’s also a great way to stretch and strengthen your muscles.


Different Types of Poses in Yoga

Hatha yoga has many different types of poses that can be practiced daily. They are all connected and meant to improve physical and mental health. The poses will, in turn, help you breathe better so that your body and mind are relaxed. 

– Asanas – The term asanas refers to Yoga poses. These are what you will spend the majority of your Yoga session doing. They are a great way to build strength in your core and have been shown to improve balance and flexibility. 

– Pranayama – Pranayama is a Yoga breathing technique meant to help calm your mind and help you focus. There are many different types of breathing exercises that you can try in addition to the asanas. 

– Meditation – Meditation is a great way to help you connect to your body and mind and be more mindful of the things happening in your life. It’s a great way to help reduce stress and anxiety and is practiced by many as a way of living a healthy lifestyle. 

– Savasana – Savasana is the final relaxation pose you do at the end of your Yoga session. It’s a great way to help you let go of all the stress and anxiety that comes with your day and let it all out.


How Often Should You Do Yoga?

This depends on your commitment level, and the type of Yoga poses you’re practicing. If you’re just practicing Yoga as a hobby, 3-4 times a week would be enough. If you’re planning to do this as a part of your daily routine, you’ll need to practice at least five times a week.

Work your way up to more frequent sessions if you’re just starting. This is especially true if you have an injury or another health condition that limits your movement. The frequency of your Yoga sessions will also depend on your goals. If you’re just trying to relax, you can do it once or twice a week. To improve your strength or flexibility, you’ll want to increase that frequency to 4-5 times weekly.


Pro Tip for Beginners

– Focus on breathing – Since breathing is an essential part of Yoga, make sure to focus on this. Make sure to relax your muscles and take slow deep breaths to help calm your mind. 

– Don’t be too hard on yourself – Yoga is a practice that requires time, patience, and effort. There will be days when you’ll feel like you don’t know what you’re doing and that you’re not getting any better. Don’t get frustrated with yourself; keep trying, and you’ll see that it improves with time. 

– Relax – This is something you should do every day, even if you’re not practicing Yoga. It helps your mind and body relax, which you can do anywhere.


What Are The Benefits Of Practicing Yoga?

Yoga is a great way to keep fit, de-stress and explore your mind. It’s a practice that has been around for centuries and has many variations. Almost everyone can practice some form of Yoga. It’s a great way to get your body in shape by improving strength and flexibility. Yoga is also known to help you unwind and relax your mind by bringing your attention to your breathing. This way, you’ll be able to deal with stress better and be more mindful.


4 Poses For Beginners That You Should Be Doing

Downward Facing Dog: 

  1. Start on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be aligned with your shoulders, and your knees should be positioned directly under your hips. 
  2. Spread your fingers wide and press your palms firmly into the mat. As you do this, exhale and tuck your toes while lifting your knees off the floor. Lift your hips towards the sky. 
  3. Straighten your legs without locking out your knees. 
  4. Press the bases of your index fingers into the floor, lifting along your inner arms to the shoulders. Drop your head so that it rests between your upper arms. 
  5. Your fingers should be spread wide, your spine long, and your tailbone up and back. Your belly should be drawn in, and you should be taking slow breaths. 

Child’s Pose: 

  1. For this kneeling yoga pose, begin on your mat, kneeling on your knees with your toes together and the palms of your hands resting on your legs. 
  2. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, lower your torso so it rests between your knees. Extend your arms alongside your head, relaxing your shoulders toward the ground with your palms facing down on the mat. 

Cat-Cow Pose 

  1. Start on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be aligned with your shoulders, and your knees should be positioned directly under your hips with a neutral spine. 
  2. As you inhale, you will move into cow pose. As you lift your sit bones, press your chest forward and let your stomach sink. 
  3. Lift your head and relax your shoulders, gazing straight ahead 
  4. As you exhale, you will move into cat pose. Round your spine outward, tuck in your tailbone, and draw your pubic bone forward. 
  5. Without forcing your chin to your chest, let your head release towards the floor. 

Seated Forward Bend:

  1. Begin seated on your mat with legs elongated in front of you 
  2. As you push your heels away from your body, press your hands into the mat next to your hips. 
  3. Slowly walk your hands forward, going down the length of your legs as far as you can 
  4. If you can reach your feet, you can hold their sides with your hands. 
  5. Each time you inhale, lengthen your front torso slightly and move more into the forward bend with each exhale. 

If you’re just starting out on. your yoga journey or have been practicing for years, the basics are always a place to visit. If you’re looking for a safe, inclusive place to further your practice, visit us at Yoga Nyla. We offer a variety of classes including Power Vinyasa Yoga and even a special class for kids. If you’re interested, we’re offering 30 days of unlimited classes for $3o to all new students. We hope to flow with you soon.